How to Choose A Best Domain Name For Online (Tips and Tools)

Best Domain Name is the main part of the new passive income business. In this post, you can learn how to choose the Best Domain Name online. A domain name is a Brand Identity for an online business. Although online business depends on the work follow of its content and niche.

When you make a plan for online business and create a strategy. A niche-related domain name is one of the big parts o that business I think. A niche-related domain can explain your business mater easily to its visitor and consumer. The best domain name can brank your business. When your domain name is so good then people like it and remember for relevant product or review.

When it came to SEO then Domain Name is very important in this field also. I’m really excited to choose a domain name when starting a new business online. After a couple of months, When my site is going to rank and people treat me for about my good domain name. At that time I realize that the domain name was important for its starting moment.

The domain name can change but it is not easy to say and do. When you decided to change your domain after start your business then it already gathers some link juice and reputation from the search. If you do it later that you can be lost your rank and good reputation. In the country, if you start with a good plan and a good name then you are free to work and you can enjoy your whole journey.

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Best Domain Name

How Important To Choose The Best Domain Name

After a while when your post is completed to reading. Now you are all clear about a good domain name, huh? Yes! A domain name is the focal point of a blog or website. In this section, today we gonna talk about how to get a good domain name and how important it is.

When you thinking bout the search engine factor then your domain name is a big factor. A blogger or marketer always brank him or her with the business name is website niche name. So, you obviously follow the rules to choose a quality good domain name for your business.

If I describe in a list of importance of a good website niche name then follow the table below. If you choose a domain name by following our rules then you will be benefited by.

  • It can make your business brandable.
  • Easy to rank.
  • Niche-related topics can publish.
  • User like it and remember for next use.
  • Safe from search engine penalty.
  • Competitor safe name.
  • Ranking post faster than others.

These are some steps of benefits fo good niche name which can be selected by following our rules. Now time to moving the original part.

Rules To Choose Best Domain Name(8 Steps)

Now let’s see the rules for which should consider while you start a new online platform.

1. Keep It Short

When you choose a name then try to keep it short for remembering. A short name is always rank faster and people like it than others.



2. Make It Easy

Obviously, you should select an easy name which people can remember and write it easily. Always try to make it fresh and avoid unusual words. If people pronounce it easily then can remember and spread it very soon to others in the same platform.



I highly recommended you keep your domain name within (5-10) words. Try to present simply. BloggersTreak is very simple to present and it is the road to bloggers for making money online. How excellent the choice is!

3. Start With Niche Related Keyword

In online if you make and serve then you can notice niche site is can always process compared with others. It’s not only my personal opinion. It’s a marketing steady matrix. If you start your site with a niche then you have to put and keywords related to your business. It can make your journey worth it.


  • BloggingAdvise.Com (The site is related all about Blogging Tips & Make Money Online)
  • WpBeginner.Com (The site is all about WordPress Tutorial and Make Money Online)

4. Target Your Local Area

If you gonna start a local business or online eCommerce business then you can choose a name with a local area or country code.  This process can help you to find your business in google map and another local search results.


  • BdOnlineDeal.Com

This domain is only made for the eCommerce business in Bangladesh. That’s why it carries BD extension. Only, for this reason, people can understand it’s a Bangladeshi Online Store that can provide BD Products! Hope you can understand this topic.

5. Try To Pick.Com Extension

.Net .Org .Gov & There are lots of extensions has in online for a domain. If you wanna start a business as a blogger or marketer then Dot Com is the best extension for you to choose. As a result, you can rank your site soon and when after a couple of months or years you can decide to flip your site online then you can sell it with huge money compared with others.


  • Backlinko.Com

Don’t pick the spam name or penalize domain!

6. Avoid Hyphens, Numbers, & Stop Words

Always try to keep your domain number and stop words free. It’s a rule of SEO without daily routine and news-related site names. During this update concern, people always focus on the outlook of a matter. When you go with an ugly, long, or stop words name then they don’t like it.

At the same time, search engines always prefer you to pick a better one for a long journey.

7. Avoid Copyright & Trademark

It’s an important topic for your next-level journey. Cause if you choose someone’s copyright or trademark name then you will be punished by the search engine. So keep safe from this accident.

If you want to know how can you do it. Then I can give you and advice, when you fix a name to buy then ask your domain name provider. As it is safe or included some trademark issue.

8. Check Archive 

I face the same problem for my client site when I was a CEO of an IT Service Company. We bought a domain name for our deputation buyer. After a couple of days when you submit the site in the search engine, we have been noticed that the domain is penalized by Google!

So, must check your archive in Wayback machine and others archive index checker.

Best Domain Generator Tools

Sometimes when you need some help to pick a domain name then I mostly suggest you use Domain Name Generator tools. I have a favorite one below.

Best Registers For Domain Name:

I wanna share my experience with some registers I use. If someone wishes to buy a domain name then he remembers some option is really helpful for next time.

  • Try to buy a reputational platform.
  • Strong security system.
  • Two-step verification enables.
  • Which Guard & SSL Certificate.
  • TLD Company.
  • Check rate.

Registers Site:

  • NameCheap
  • Godaddy
  • Hostgator
  • BlueHost
  • iPage
  • HostPapa
  • Side ground

These are the best sites you can register your domain on these platforms. They are cheap, safe, and trusted also I highly recommended them to purchase your niche.